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Rep. Frankel Celebrates Funding Bill Package that Invests in Families

Washington, DC – Today, Appropriations Committee member Representative Lois Frankel (FL-21) voted for the funding bill package that includes four appropriations bills for FY 2020:


“I am proud to support this outstanding bill package that makes for the people investments to give every American a chance for a better life. It includes robust funding for hard-working families through child care programs, medical research, and veteran’s education; empowers women and girls by combatting gender-based violence, supporting their access to education and full reproductive health care; and makes smart investments in our country’s infrastructure, including restoring the Florida’s Everglades to keep the drinking for over eight million residents and millions of visitors clean and safe.”


The bill package includes the FY 2020 Labor-Health and Human Services-Education, Defense, State-Foreign Operations, and Energy and Water Development spending bills. Rep. Frankel serves on the relevant subcommittee for three of the four bills, and previously issued press releases that outline her key priorities in each separate funding bill:


