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Fort Pierce Woman on Obamacare takes her story to Washington


FORT PIERCE, Fla. (CBS12) — Lawmakers and a national audience are preparing for President Donald Trump’s address to Congress tomorrow night.

The president is expected to highlight the budget, national security, and outline his plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

Sherry Riggs, of Fort Pierce, says Obamacare saved her life twice, and she’s traveling to the nation’s capital to hear firsthand how her health care plan could soon change.

“It is absolutely terrifying, when you’re scared every day that you’re not going to have medication,” Riggs said.

Riggs will tell her story in Washington, alongside West Palm Beach Democrat Representative Lois Frankel.

The 55-year-old mother of three lost her health insurance after going through a divorce.

With a pre-existing heart condition, she could not get insurance.

Sherry signed up for the Affordable Care Act, which she says would end up saving her life, after she underwent two surgeries, including an open heart bypass.

Now she wonders what her future will hold.

“It is absolutely terrifying, and something needs to be done. We voted for everybody in office with the confidence they’re going to do right for the American people,” Frankel said.

A republican bill to replace Obamacare calls to end Medicaid expansion, and get rid of fines on people not buying insurance.

People against Obamacare don’t’ think the government should force people to buy health insurance, and penalize them if they don’t.

Also, they criticize taxpayer money being used for subsidies for low and moderate income enrollees.