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Rep. Frankel Statement on Appropriations Package that Invests in Families

Washington, D.C. - Today, Representative Lois Frankel (FL-21), member of the House Appropriations Committee, issued the following statement after voting to pass the first funding package of Fiscal Year 2022.


“This spending package reflects our values by putting families first,” said Rep. Frankel. “This bill makes landmark investments in child care and education, increases resources for older Americans, funds Everglades restoration at historic levels, provides educational resources to our veterans, invests in local community projects that will impact Palm Beach County families, and ensures that everyone has access to reproductive care, regardless of income or zip code.”


The package includes funding for seven Fiscal Year 2022 Appropriations Bills: Labor-Health and Human Services (HHS)-Education, Agriculture-Rural Development-FDA, Energy and Water Development, Financial Services and General Government, Interior-Environment, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Transportation and Housing and Urban Development.


As a member of the Energy and Water subcommittee, Rep. Frankel championed measures in the bill that fund Everglades restoration at historic levels, invest in beach restoration and inter-coastal waterway dredging, fight climate change, and encourage the Army Corps of Engineers to follow the science when determining the proper water levels for Lake Okeechobee weighing the concerns of all water users.


As a member of the Labor-HHS-Education subcommittee, Rep. Frankel championed measures to help families from the very young to the very old. This bill invests in assistance for working families and veterans, and in home- and community-based services and nutrition assistance for seniors. Importantly, this year’s Labor-HHS-Education bill excludes the dangerous Hyde and Weldon Amendments that have historically restricted access to abortion care for the most vulnerable populations.


“No matter how we feel about abortion, politicians shouldn’t deny someone’s health coverage just because they are struggling financially,” said. Rep. Frankel. “By eliminating these dangerous barriers to care, this bill allows every American, no matter where they live or how much they earn, to make the personal decision about when and if to become a parent so that our families can thrive, and we can build healthier communities where each of us can participate with dignity.”


For a full summary of the legislation, click here. This package passed the House by a vote of 219 to 208. The House package now goes to the Senate for consideration, and a final bill is expected to be passed later this year. 

