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Know Your Reproductive Rights and Access Abortion Care

Americans overwhelmingly agree that women should have the freedom to make their own reproductive health care decisions—free from interference from politicians. Painfully, this right has been stripped from women in Florida and across the entire Southeast. While I continue to fight in Washington to restore your access to abortion, I want to make sure you understand your rights under current Florida and federal law.

Abortions are now banned in Florida after six weeks of pregnancy. Please review the resources below for information on your rights and options for accessing care.

NOTE: In November: an amendment will be on the ballot that, if passed, will establish a right to abortion until fetal viability (approximately 24 weeks) in Florida’s constitution. Click here for more information on casting your vote this fall.

Our state provides some family planning resources. Be aware—some resources may use inaccurate or misleading language to describe abortion services. For example, Crisis Pregnancy Centers may pose as “pregnancy resource centers” and are known to advertise scientifically inaccurate information about abortion. To ensure you are accessing a medically-sound clinic that provides the full range of reproductive care services, including contraception and abortion, you can visit

Accessing Care



  • The Title X Family Planning program provides contraception, vaccinations, cancer and STD screenings, and other health care services to individuals who may not otherwise be able to afford care. You can locate your nearest Title X provider here.
  • Women ages 14 through 55 may also be eligible for Florida’s Medicaid Family Planning Waiver Program.
  • The Affordable Care Act provides the right to $0-copay birth control under most health plans. If you are having challenges accessing this benefit, call the Department of Labor Employee Benefits line at 1-866-444-3272.

Maternal Care


  • Right now, abortion is illegal in Florida after six weeks of pregnancy.
  • If you are more than 15 weeks pregnant, you will have to travel to a state where care is legal.
  • To find the closest abortion provider to you, visit

Emergency Care

  • Federal law requires hospitals to provide necessary medical care, including abortion, to save the life or health of an emergency room patient.
  • If you were denied the emergency medical care to which you are entitled, call 1-888-419-3456.


  • The VA offers abortion to veterans whose pregnancies resulted from rape or incest, or if the veteran’s health or life would be endangered by continuing their pregnancy.
  • In all other cases, the VA offers abortion counseling and referrals.

For more information and resources about reproductive care, visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’s website,

What I'm Doing

Protecting access to abortion, contraception, and family planning services is one of my top priorities in Congress. I am proud to co-lead the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would establish a federal statutory right for health care providers to provide abortion care and a corresponding right for their patients to receive that care—free from bans and restrictions that impede access. The current Republican-controlled House of Representatives has refused to bring this bill to the House Floor for a vote. I currently serve as Chair of the Democratic Women’s Caucus, where we are constantly working to expand and protect health care access for women. I am also a member of the House Pro-Choice Caucus, a group of like-minded colleagues who are fighting to restore and protect access to abortion and contraceptive care.

Still Need Help?

My office is here to help you and answer any questions you might have. For assistance with federal agencies, including government insurance programs, and for local resources, contact my office in Delray:

7499 West Atlantic Ave, Unit 206
Delray Beach, FL 33446
(561) 998-9045

To leave a policy comment and for questions about federal legislation, contact my office in Washington, D.C.:

2305 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-9890