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Rep. Frankel’s Staff Supporting FL-22

Delray Beach Office

District Chief of Staff – Felicia Goldstein | Email

Congressional Outreach – Trevor Fleming | Email
Issue Areas: Congressional App Challenge and all cities in FL-22.

Congressional Outreach – Teesha Buddle | Email
Issue Areas: Congressional Youth Leadership Council and Palm Beach County/Unincorporated Areas of FL-22.

Caseworker – Jose Tagle | Email
Issue Areas: Veterans Issues, Social Security, and Medicare and Health Care.

Caseworker – 
Melissa Burnos | Email
Issue Areas: Immigration, IRS, Student Loans, FEMA, Small Business, and Postal Service.

Washington, DC Office

Chief of Staff – Bradley Solyan | Email

Deputy Chief of Staff/Legislative Director – Becca Flikier | Email
Issue Areas: Health Care, Labor, Social Security, Unemployment, and Agriculture.

Communications Director  Daniel Kaufman | Email
Please contact for all press requests.

Communications Assistant – Cristian Diaz Hernandez | Email

Scheduler/Director of Operations Justin Ramos | Email
Please contact for all scheduling requests.

Legislative Correspondent/Staff Assistant – Amaris A. Graham | Email
Please contact for all tour requests, flag requests, and internship inquiries.

Foreign Policy Advisor – Jennifer Miller | Email
Issue Areas: State, Foreign Operations, Defense, Homeland Security, MilConVA, and Women Peace and Security Caucus.

Senior Legislative Assistant – Carolyn Perlmutter | Email
Issue Areas: Financial Services and General Government, Transportation, Housing, Energy/Environment, Interior, Education, and Commerce, Judiciary, Science