Congresswoman Frankel is a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, the Committee responsible for drafting legislation that directs federal funding. In this position, she plays a key role in shaping investments that strengthen both South Florida and America’s global standing.
The Congresswoman is the lead Democrat on the Appropriations Subcommittee on National Security, Department of State, and Related Programs (NSRP) and also serves on the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS).
Her work focuses on securing federal resources to lower costs for working families—making essentials like groceries, gas, and prescription drugs more affordable—while strengthening Social Security and Medicare, protecting reproductive health care, expanding access to affordable child and long-term care, and modernizing America’s infrastructure. She is also committed to bolstering U.S. diplomacy and securing funding that advances U.S. national security, economic interests, and global stability.
Through her role in the Committee, the Congresswoman is also committed to fighting back against the Trump Administration’s efforts to eliminate and tamper with congressionally-appropriated funding that has already been signed into law.
National Security, Department of State, and Related Programs (NSRP) Subcommittee
This subcommittee oversees funding for diplomacy, foreign assistance, and international development efforts that strengthen U.S. national security and economic leadership. Agencies and federal programs under its jurisdiction include:
- United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
- Department of State
- Department of the Treasury
- International Affairs Technical Assistance
- International Financial Institutions
- Export-Import Bank
- Millennium Challenge Corporation
- Overseas Private Investment Corporation
- Trade and Development Agency
- Peace Corps
- International Development Finance Corporation
- Related Agencies and Programs
- American Institute in Taiwan
- Border Environment Cooperation Commission (American Sections)
- Center for Middle Eastern-Western Dialogue Trust Fund Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad
- Commission on International Religious Freedom
- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe Congressional-Executive
- Commission on the People’s Republic of China
- East-West Center
- Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship Program
- Inter-American Foundation
- International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada (American Sections)
- International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico
- International Center, Washington, District of Columbia
- International Fisheries Commissions
- International Joint Commission (American Sections)
- Israeli Arab Scholarship Program
- National Endowment for Democracy
- The Asia Foundation
- United States African Development Foundation
- United States Agency for Global Media
- United States-China Economic and Security Review CommissionUnited States Institute of Peace
Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Subcommittee
This subcommittee oversees funding for critical services and programs that impact public health, education, and workforce development. Agencies and federal programs under its jurisdiction include:
- Department of Education
- Department of Health and Human Services (except Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry; Food and Drug Administration; Indian Health Services and Facilities; and National Institute of Environmental Sciences (Superfund-related activities))
- Department of Labor
- Related Agencies
- Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled
- Corporation for National and Community Service
- Corporation for Public Broadcasting
- Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission
- Institute of Museum and Library Services
- Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission
- Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
- National Council on Disability
- National Labor Relations Board
- National Mediation Board
- Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
- Railroad Retirement Board
- Social Security Administration
In addition to her committee work, Congresswoman Frankel is an active member of numerous congressional caucuses—groups of lawmakers who come together to advocate for shared policy priorities. Through these caucuses, she collaborates with both Democratic and Republican colleagues to advance initiatives that impact women’s rights, health care, seniors, national security, education, environmental protection, gun violence prevention, and more. Below is a list of some of the caucuses in which the Congresswoman is a member:
- Democratic Women’s Caucus (Chair Emerita)
- Bipartisan Women, Peace, and Security Caucus (Co-Chair)
- Animal Protection Caucus
- Bipartisan Task Force to End Sexual Violence
- Bipartisan Taskforce for Combating Anti-Semitism
- Bipartisan Working Group to End Domestic Violence
- Children’s Health Care Caucus
- Congressional Arts Caucus
- Congressional Boating Caucus
- Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth
- Congressional Equality Caucus
- Congressional Everglades Caucus
- Congressional Fire Services Caucus
- Congressional Hellenic Israel Alliance
- Congressional Human Trafficking Caucus
- Congressional Jewish Caucus
- Congressional Military Sexual Assault Prevention Caucus
- Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease
- Congressional Travel and Tourism Caucus
- Florida Ports Caucus
- Flood Resilience Caucus
- Reproductive Freedom Caucus
- Servicewomen and Women Veterans Congressional Caucus