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FY25 Community Project Funding Requests

Nonprofit Project Requests

To ensure public transparency and accountability, the following nonprofit project requests are listed in alphabetical order below.

Boynton Beach Harbor Marina Seawall Replacement Project

  • Location: Boynton Beach, FL
  • Amount: $1,991,931
  • Purpose of funding and why it’s an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars: This funding will be used to replace a commercial seawall in the Boynton Harbor Marina. This project is an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars because it will reduce long-term costs associated with adverse effects of the structure and the homes and businesses it protects in the case of a major coastal storm.
  • Account: Department of Homeland Security; Federal Emergency Management Agency; Pre-Disaster Mitigation
  • Click here for the financial disclosure & federal nexus letter.

Boynton Beach Pioneer Canal Park Boat Ramp Improvements Project

  • Location: Boynton Beach, FL
  • Amount: $816,000
  • Purpose of funding and why it’s an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars: The funding will be used to construct boat ramps, a dock, parking facilities for boats and vehicles, and ADA-accessible amenities in Pioneer Canal Park. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will stimulate economic growth by attracting more visitors and bringing additional revenue and economic opportunities to local businesses.
  • Account: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies; HUD/Community Planning and Development, Economic Development Initiatives
  • Click here for the financial disclosure & federal nexus letter.

Delray Beach Army Corps Water Infrastructure Upgrade Project

  • Location: Delray Beach, FL
  • Amount: $7,500,000
  • Purpose of funding and why it’s an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars: This funding will be used to replace critical water infrastructure components including an aging water main and a sanitary sewer system that needs upgrades. This project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it would enhance community health and safety by improving reliable water and wastewater service.
  • Account: Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies; Army Corps of Engineers (Civil); Construction; Environmental Infrastructure (EI)
  • Click here for the financial disclosure & federal nexus letter.

Delray Beach Clean Water Infrastructure Improvements Project

  • Location: Delray Beach, FL
  • Amount: $5,000,000
  • Purpose of funding and why it’s an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars: This funding will be used to improve public irrigation, reclaimed water, sanitary sewer, and stormwater infrastructure in the City of Delray Beach. This is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because the taxpayers depend on the City to provide reliable and clean drinking water.
  • Account: Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies; Environmental Protection Agency, State and Tribal Assistance Grants; Clean Water State Revolving Fund
  • Click here for the financial disclosure & federal nexus letter.

Greenacres Emergency Operations Center

  • Location: Greenacres, FL
  • Amount: $6,000,000
  • Purpose of funding and why it’s an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars: This funding will used to construct a hurricane-resilient facility for the City’s emergency operations center. This project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it would improve the City’s response capacity and efficiency during disasters or emergencies.
  • Account: Department of Homeland Security; Federal Emergency Management Agency; Emergency Operations Centers
  • Click here for the financial disclosure & federal nexus letter.

Lantana Water Treatment Plant Control Panel Upgrade

  • Location: Lantana, FL
  • Amount: $1,500,000
  • Purpose of funding and why it’s an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars: This funding will be used to upgrade critical water infrastructure. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it would maintain Safe Drinking Water Act Standards and operation of the town’s water treatment plant to protect public health.
  • Account: Interior and Environment; Environmental Protection Agency/EPA; State and Tribal Assistance Grants, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
  • Click here for the financial disclosure & federal nexus letter.

Lake Worth Beach Affordable Housing Project

  • Location: Lake Worth, FL
  • Amount: $1,500,000
  • Purpose of funding and why it’s an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars: This funding will be used to continue efforts to provide rental and home-ownership opportunities to households making under 120% of Area Median Income. This project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will help reduce homelessness.
  • Account: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies; HUD/Community Planning and Development, Economic Development Initiatives
  • Click here for the financial disclosure & federal nexus letter.

Lake Worth Beach Emergency Operations Center

  • Location: Lake Worth, FL
  • Amount: $1,910,000
  • Purpose of funding and why it’s an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars: This funding will be used to construct and equip a hurricane-resilient facility for the City’s emergency operations center. This project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it would improve the City’s emergency preparedness, capabilities, and efficiency in the event of an emergency.
  • Account: Department of Homeland Security; Federal Emergency Management Agency; Emergency Operations Centers
  • Click here for the financial disclosure & federal nexus letter.

Palm Beach County Affordable Housing Project

  • Location: Lake Worth, FL
  • Amount: $2,000,000
  • Purpose of funding and why it’s an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars: This funding will be used to construct affordable housing units for individuals experiencing and/or at risk of homelessness. This project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will help reduce homelessness.
  • Account: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies; HUD/Community Planning and Development, Economic Development Initiatives
  • Click here for the financial disclosure & federal nexus letter.

Palm Beach County- Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard Bridge Rehabilitation and Safety Improvements Project

  • Location: West Palm Beach, FL
  • Amount: $2,000,000
  • Purpose of funding and why it’s an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars: This funding will be used to widen and rehabilitate the Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard Bridge to provide increased mobility and safer connectivity for vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. This project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will reduce vehicular crashes, enhance public safety, increase the accessibility of non-motorized travelers along the corridor to access the hospital, and provide connectivity between the neighboring communities on either side of the railway.
  • Account: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies; DOT/Federal Highway Administration; Highway Infrastructure Programs; Highway General Fund Programs
  • Click here for the financial disclosure & federal nexus letter.

Palm Beach State College AI Cybersecurity Training Center

  • Location: Lake Worth, FL
  • Amount: $1,250,000
  • Purpose of funding and why it’s an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars: This funding will be used to establish an AI Cybersecurity Research and Training Center that will serve as a hub for research, education, and practical training in cybersecurity, leveraging cutting-edge technologies. This is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will help advance knowledge on AI and cybersecurity, which are essential in a rapidly-developing world with increased cyber threats and an increased presence of AI in all facets of daily life.
  • Account: Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies; USDOC/National Institute of Standards and Technology, Scientific and Technical Research and Services, Scientific and Technical Research
  • Click here for the financial disclosure & federal nexus letter.

Palm Beach State College Library Renovation and IT Services Project

  • Location: Lake Worth, FL
  • Amount: $2,485,000
  • Purpose of funding and why it’s an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars: This funding will be used to remodel the college’s library to create an IT services desk and collaborative workspaces for students. This project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will allow the college to better prepare students for success in the workforce.
  • Account: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies; HUD/Community Planning and Development, Economic Development Initiatives
  • Click here for the financial disclosure & federal nexus letter.

Wellington Emergency Operations Center

  • Location: Wellington, FL
  • Amount: $6,525,000
  • Purpose of funding and why it’s an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars: This funding will be used to construct a facility for the City’s emergency operations center. This project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will improve the Village’s emergency preparedness, capabilities, and efficiency.
  • Account: Department of Homeland Security; Federal Emergency Management Agency; Emergency Operations Centers
  • Click here for the financial disclosure & federal nexus letter.

West Palm Beach Grandview Heights Pedestrian Safety Improvements Project

  • Location: West Palm Beach, FL
  • Amount: $2,080,000
  • Purpose of funding and why it’s an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars: This funding will be used to construct ADA-compliant curb ramps, traffic calming measures, and bike lanes, reconfigure a roundabout, and upgrade pavement markings and street signs in the Grandview Heights Neighborhood of West Palm Beach. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will enhance the public safety of vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians.
  • Account: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies; DOT/Federal Highway Administration; Highway Infrastructure Programs; Highway General Fund Programs
  • Click here for the financial disclosure & federal nexus letter.

West Palm Beach Fern Street Extension and Rail Safety Project

  • Location: West Palm Beach, FL
  • Amount: $7,000,000
  • Purpose of funding and why it’s an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars: The funding will be used to ease traffic congestion, enhance safety, and promote multi-modal connectivity in downtown West Palm Beach. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it improves safety for pedestrians, bikers, and vehicles.
  • Account: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies; DOT/ Federal Railroad Administration; Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements
  • Click here for the financial disclosure & federal nexus letter.