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What Lawmakers From My State Are Doing About Equal Pay, From Alabama To Florida

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Written by Michele Dale, Bustle  Rep. Lois Frankel (D) "There are many factors perpetuating the wage gap between men and women. They include sexual harassment, lack of family-friendly paid leave policies and affordable child care, and the under-valuing of jobs primarily filled by women. That’s why as Chair of the Democratic Women’s Working Group, I have sponsored legislation and…

Feminist Lawmakers and Advocates are Fighting for Christine Blasey Ford

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Written by Carmen Rios, Ms. Magazine  Late last week, a complaint was referred to the FBI regarding a sexual assault allegation from an anonymous woman against Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Now, Christine Blasey Ford has come forward—deciding, according to the Washington Post in an exclusive report, “that if her story is going to be…

Harassment in the Workplace Does Not Just Happen in TV Studios, but Everywhere, says Rep. Lois Frankel (D-FL)

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Interview with JD Durkin, Cheddar Representative Lois Frankel (D-FL) is the Co-Chair for the Congressional Caucus of Women's Issues and on Thursday, Rep. Frankel reacted to President Trump's tweets on the past hurricane disasters, calling him "all ego, no empathy." Involved in women's politics, Rep. Frankel was on the Hill Wednesday to discuss harassment in the workplace, saying that…

Students, parents pack town hall meeting in Wellington to discuss gun violence

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Written by Austen Erblat, Sun Sentinel - South Florida Community News About 80 people showed up at the Wellington Community Center Aug. 29 to discuss how to reduce gun violence in communities, public gatherings and schools. U.S. Rep. Lois Frankel, a Democrat who represents most of Palm Beach County, called the meeting after two recent shootings — one at a Palm Beach Central High…

Women in Congress are Calling on the Trump Administration to Fight for Imprisoned Saudi Arabian Feminists

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Written by Rosalind Jones, Ms. Magazine Over the last few months, the Saudi Arabian government has imprisoned about 15 prominent feminist activists, most of whom led the fight to end the country’s driving ban. On Wednesday, Reps. Lois Frankel, co-chair of the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, chairperson of the Middle East and North Africa…

Rep. Lois Frankel is Pushing for a #MeToo Movement on Capitol Hill

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Written by Brock Colyar, Ms. Magazine Rep. Lois Frankel (D-FL) remembers the disappointing days before the #MeToo movement when sexual harassment and domestic violence were experiences without a proper name and space to discuss them. “Domestic violence was just a matter-of-fact,” she told Ms., looking back on her time in the Florida state legislature. “It wasn’t unlawful…

United States should capitalize — literally — on the #MeToo moment

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Written by: Jamille Bigio and Rachel Vogelstein As the #MeToo movement goes global, many nations are grappling with the need for reform so that women in the workplace are free from discrimination and harassment. The U.S. government is taking action as well: the House of Representatives just passed legislation to promote economic growth by eliminating barriers to women’s economic…

ICYMI: 54 Members of Congress Join Reps. Frankel, Torres, Roybal-Allard In Letter Opposing Anti-Immigrant State Department Nominee

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Washington, DC – Today, Reps. Lois Frankel (FL-21), Norma Torres (CA-35), Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-40) and 54 Members of Congress sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calling for the Trump Administration to withdraw Ronald Mortensen’s nomination to be Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration. The letter asserts that Mr. Mortensen’s disparaging…

#MeToo prompted lawmakers to come for those non-disclosure agreements

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Written by Carter Sherman, Vice News Months after the #Metoo movement against sexual misconduct first made headlines, a bipartisan group of congressional lawmakers have introduced far-reaching legislation to curb harassment in the workplace. The bill, put forth Wednesday, has a laundry list of goals, including regulating the use of non-disparagement and non-disclosure agreements, or…

How To Support The EMPOWER Act & Help Combat Workplace Harassment Across The Country

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Written by Lauren Holter, Bustle A bipartisan effort is underway in Congress to combat the pervasive workplace harassment brought to light by the #MeToo movement. U.S. House representatives from both parties introduced a bill on Wednesday that already has sister legislation in the Senate aimed at holding public companies accountable for sexual misconduct. But in order for the measure…