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Veterans and Servicemembers

Frankel Votes To Overhaul the VA; Bipartisan Bill Passes The House; Praises Local VAs

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel voted today in favor of the House and Senate compromise to reform the Veterans Affairs Administration.  The $17 billion bill comes in the wake of the systemic problems reported at VA health facilities that resulted in thousands of veterans not receiving timely care. The bill now goes to the Senate for approval. “I am pleased that Congress has come together…

Frankel Statement on VA Report

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel issued the following statement after the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) released the result of their internal audit of scheduling practices at VA hospitals and clinics nationwide.  The report said that 63,000 patients were waiting to be scheduled for care nationwide, and that 13 percent of VA schedulers reported being instructed to falsify reports…

Frankel Statement On VA Allowing Private Care For Veterans Waiting for Appointments

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel issued the following statement after the Department of Veterans Affairs announced that veterans who have treatment delays of 30 days or more will have the option to seek private care.  "Expanding veteran care to private providers in order to prevent delays in treatment is a step in the right direction. Our returning heroes deserve the very best in health…

Frankel and Inspiring Veteran Continue Push to Change Military Sexual Assault Laws

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Elisha Morrow, who inspired Congresswoman Frankel’s National Defense Authorization Act provision on military sexual assault, visited Washington today to testify at a panel on sexual assault in the military. "It was a privilege to testify before the subcommittee today about the difficulties our military members face,” said Morrow. “I addressed boot camp and training environments and…

Vietnam vet a symbol of overcoming VA delays

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A Vietnam War veteran from Fort Lauderdale who suffered severe burns in combat and financial hardship back home will be watching from the House gallery Tuesday night when President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union address. Jeff Colaiacovo will represent all American service members, but especially the hundreds of thousands who endure bureaucratic snags and delays when seeking…

Frankel To Bring South Florida Purple Heart Veteran as State of the Union Guest

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel (FL-22) announced today that she will bring Jeff Colaiacovo, a South Florida Vietnam veteran as her guest to Tuesday’s State of the Union. Frankel met Colaiacovo when he contacted her office for assistance with a disability claim stuck in the VA backlog. Jeff Colaiacovo [COLI-O-KOVO], 65, lives in Fort Lauderdale and earned two Purple Hearts for his…

President Obama Signs Frankel Provision on Military Sexual Assault into Law

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President Barack Obama today signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act, which includes Congresswoman Lois Frankel’s provision that directs the military to examine the need for a new definition of rape and sexual assault in cases when someone abuses their position in the Military Chain of Command. Frankel’s provision was inspired by constituent Elisha Morrow, a former Coast…

Frankel to Host Workshop to Help Veterans Facing Disability Claims Backlog

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel will host a workshop on September 25th at FAU to help veterans living in Florida’s 22nd congressional district who have disability claims that have been pending for a year or longer. VA claims specialists will be on hand to assist Frankel’s constituents with their pending veterans disability benefit claims. “There is a backlog which is absolutely…

House Passes Frankel Amendment on Military Sexual Assault

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Today the House passed Congresswoman Lois Frankel (FL-22)’s amendment that would direct the military to examine the need for a new definition of rape and sexual assault in cases when someone abuses the Military Chain of Command.  Frankel introduced an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act in response to a constituent’s heartbreaking experience with sexual abuse in the…

Frankel Helps Pass Bipartisan Bill to Support Our Troops and Veterans

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Days after returning from meeting with American troops and military leaders in Afghanistan, Qatar, Germany and Kosovo, Congresswoman Lois Frankel helped pass the bipartisan 2014 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act. Frankel’s support for this bill continues her unwavering commitment to the men and women who are serving our country and who have risked their lives…