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Health Care

House votes to defund Planned Parenthood, but will that help avert a shutdown?

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Mike DeBonis Washington Post The House passed two abortion-related bills Friday, including one that would strip federal health-care funding from Planned Parenthood for one year, but it remains unclear whether the votes would appease conservatives who have threatened a government shutdown over the organization. The votes followed months of intense…

Inspired by Debbies Dream Frankel Leads Bipartisan Letter Urging Continued Support for Stomach Cancer Research Funding

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel (FL-22) joined with Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL-27) to lead a bipartisan coalition of 65 members of Congress in formally requesting that stomach cancer remain eligible for research funding through the Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program (PRCRP). Frankel has been working in Congress to support funding and raise awareness for this disease, having been…

Constituent Guide on Ebola

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel (FL-22) today released the following constituent guide on Ebola. The information below provides an overview of the virus and links to helpful resources. WHAT IS EBOLA? Ebola is a disease caused by infection with one of the Ebola virus strains. The 2014 outbreak is the largest since the disease was discovered in 1976. There is widespread transmission of the…

Frankel Tackles Medicare Fraud

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel (FL-22) met with residents at Evernia Place in West Palm Beach to discuss ways to prevent, detect, and report Medicare fraud, and unveil the Fighting Medicare Fraud Act of 2014. Each year 1.5 million people are victims of medical identity theft and $50 billion is lost from Medicare annually due to fraud. “Unfortunately, South Florida is ground zero for this…

Frankel Votes To Overhaul the VA; Bipartisan Bill Passes The House; Praises Local VAs

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel voted today in favor of the House and Senate compromise to reform the Veterans Affairs Administration.  The $17 billion bill comes in the wake of the systemic problems reported at VA health facilities that resulted in thousands of veterans not receiving timely care. The bill now goes to the Senate for approval. “I am pleased that Congress has come together…

Frankel Says GOP Lawsuit Against Obama Wastes Taxpayer Dollars

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel issued the following statement regarding the House Republicans’ imminent legal action against President Obama for delaying the employer responsibility section of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) law without Congressional approval.    “Here we go again.  House Republicans wasting time and money, this time with a frivolous lawsuit against the…

Frankel Calls For Closing The Medicaid Gap: Save Lives and Create Jobs

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel held a 9:30 am press conference at FoundCare in West Palm Beach on Monday, July 14, 2014 calling for closing the Florida’s Medicaid Gap and highlighting a newly issued White House report. The report, released earlier this month by the Council of Economic Advisors prognosticated that states, including Florida, that refuse to accept federal dollars under the…

Frankel Statement on President Obamas Affordable Care Act Announcement

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel released the following statement following President Obama’s announcement Thursday that insurance companies can let people stay on their current health care plans. “I welcome the President’s announcement and look forward to the healthcare website being fixed,” Frankel said. “We should not go back to the days when insurance companies denied coverage for…

ICYMI-AARP Unveils New Online Tool to Answer Consumer Questions on Affordable Care Act

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Today, AARP announced new resources available to all Americans looking for facts about the Affordable Care Act including a new online tool for consumers to determine the benefits available to them.  The new online tool is available at and in Spanish at In addition, AARP has an information-rich website,, for…

ICYMI-New Call Center for Small Businesses Open to Answer Questions on Affordable Care Act, new SHOP Marketplace

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A new call center now is open specifically to serve small businesses interested in the new SHOP Marketplace that will be available in every state through the Affordable Care Act.  The SHOP program launches on October 1 to give small businesses new ways to provide health coverage to their employees.  And the new SHOP Marketplace Call Center is a new resource to help small…