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Frankel Statement on the extension of P5+1 negotiations with Iran

Congresswoman Lois Frankel (FL-22) released the following statement in response to the extension of P5+1 negotiations with Iran over the nation’s illicit nuclear program:

"We cannot afford to lose sight of the threat that a nuclear Iran would pose to the U.S. and our allies. Iran is the world’s most active state-sponsor of terror, lending support to Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Assad regime in Syria. As disturbing, if Iran becomes a threshold nuclear state other countries in the Middle East will rush towards the bomb too, leading to massive nuclear proliferation in an already unstable and dangerous region.

Congress has a significant role to play moving forward in order to remind the Iranian regime that there are consequences for violating established international law. Now is the time for leaders in Iran to decide whether they are serious about reaching an agreement that verifiably removes all doubt about their intention to build a nuclear weapon. A final deal will need to include dismantlement of centrifuge infrastructure, intrusive international monitoring, and a solution to the possible military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program.”