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Frankel Fights for Safer Railroad Crossings

Congresswoman Lois Frankel (FL-22) yesterday joined her colleagues on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to pass the bipartisan Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act. The bill authorizes $150 million for railroad safety programs, a provision pushed by Frankel.

South Florida expects to see more freight and passenger trains due to port expansions, increased Tri-Rail service, and the construction of All Aboard Florida. In anticipation, local stakeholders have been calling for measures to reduce train noise, increase safety, and improve traffic coordination.

“South Florida has 458 railroad crossings, which creates much competition between trains and cars,” said Frankel. “These grants will prevent accidents and ease traffic congestion.”

The legislation includes the Rail Line Relocation and Improvement Grant Program that authorizes $150 million per year in grants to states and local governments. Among eligible projects are warning lights, stop signs, traffic light coordination, and four quadrant gates.

Both Broward and Palm Beach Metropolitan Planning Organizations plan to apply for this grant program when this provision becomes law. The act now heads to the full Congress for a vote. 

Frankel’s remarks as delivered in the committee hearing are below. Video of Frankel speaking on behalf of the Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act is available HERE.

Mr. Chair, I wanted thank you for including in this legislation a grant program to improve the safety features at railroad crossings.

In Florida, trains are very important to us. They have a multibillion dollar economic impact – moving tourists, local riders, students going to school, business people going to work, and of course, lots of freight.

As we know, from our trip this weekend to the Panama Canal, the ships are going to get larger and freight will increase. Also, in South Florida, All Aboard will have a new commuter train that will go from Miami to Orlando – bringing in great economic impact.

With that said, in Florida alone we have 4,500 rail crossings at grade, which is a lot of competition between cars and trains. In the last five years, we’ve had 324 accidents and 48 deaths.

The program in this legislation will reauthorize the Rail Line Relocation and Improvement Program, which provides $150 million per year in funding to states and local governments to upgrade the safety features at grade crossings and improve traffic coordination with trains.

I want to thank the Chairman for that and hope it continues to be in this package.



