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Frankel Amendments Preventing a Nuclear Arms Race, Combatting Violent Extremism Included in Strong Democratic NDAA

Washington, DC – Today, two amendments introduced by Representative Lois Frankel (FL-21) passed in the House as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) bill for Fiscal Year 2020.
The first amendment would prevent President Trump from plunging the United States and Russia into a new nuclear arms race. It prohibits funding for missile systems noncompliant with the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, unless the Administration can demonstrate that all diplomatic and strategic alternatives to withdrawal from the Treaty were exhausted. Senator Jeff Merkley, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, introduced the Senate version of this measure, the Prevention of Arms Race Act of 2019.
“The world already has enough nuclear weapons to destroy civilization. With this amendment, we’re opting for diplomacy instead of nuclear proliferation,” said Rep. Frankel.
The second amendment requires the Director of National Intelligence to submit an intelligence assessment on the relationship between women and terrorism, including an analysis of how terrorist groups violate their rights through child marriage, sexual violence and human trafficking. 

“This proposal will improve U.S. counterterrorism and peacebuilding efforts by focusing on women’s roles as victims, perpetrators, and preventers of violent extremism,” said Frankel.
Frankel continued
, “This Democrat-led NDAA works For The People by taking a tougher stance on Russia, enhancing collaboration with our allies, reducing wasteful spending, and promoting a more inclusive military.” 
The legislation passed the House by a vote of 220 to 197. It will now go to conference with the Senate version of the bill. 
