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Rep. Frankel Statement on Coronavirus Response Legislation

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Lois Frankel (FL-21) issued the following statement after voting to pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, the second funding package to pass the House in response to the growing coronavirus pandemic.

“Putting working families first, Congress has provided critical economic assistance to Americans as we are confronted with the coronavirus pandemic. Following last week’s $8.3 billion coronavirus funding to stabilize our public health system, the House passed new legislation that establishes paid emergency leave; provides free coronavirus testing for everyone, including those without health care coverage; enhances unemployment insurance; expands food assistance programs for the vulnerable; and distributes additional funding to states for ongoing economic consequences. I am proud to have supported this life saving legislation and look forward to more efforts in the coming weeks.”

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act now goes to the Senate, where it must be taken up in order to become law. 
