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Press Releases

Rep. Frankel Statement on Record COVID-19 Cases in Florida

Today, Rep. Lois Frankel (FL-21) issued the following statement in response to state data showing that Florida added a record 4,049 new coronavirus cases in a single day. 390 new cases were reported in Palm Beach County, bringing the total to 10,506 confirmed cases.

“With COVID-19 increasing at an alarming pace, everyone must do their part to stop its transmission. The county commission should increase educational efforts and immediately require masks to be worn in all essential businesses like supermarkets, pharmacies, and other areas recommended by local health officials. Keeping in mind that the virus is even contracted through spread by people who are unaware they are infected, all Floridians and visitors must follow CDC guidelines of social distancing, mask wearing, and hand washing. We can get through this pandemic if we work together and respect the health and safety of ourselves and others.”
