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Frankel Statement on Announcement that Boca Raton Airport Control Tower Will Remain Open

Congresswoman Lois Frankel welcomed the news today from Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood that the Boca Raton Airport control tower will remain open through the end of the fiscal year September 30.  The Boca Airport control tower had been facing risk of closure June 15 along with almost 150 air traffic control towers around the country.

“This is an important short-term victory for the Boca Raton Airport, our local economy and safety in our community,” Frankel said. “We still must work on a long-term solution to address the mindless across- the-board budget cuts known as the sequester.”

The Boca Raton Airport is an important economic engine and its control tower plays a key role in helping ensure the safety of the planes taking off and landing at the airport and the surrounding community. The airport is two miles from the main business area and adjacent to FAU and I-95.

The estimated local annual economic impact of the airport is $154 million and this includes the direct economic impacts of the tenants and businesses at the airport and construction projects that are undertaken at the airport. The airport and businesses on the property support over 1,200 jobs.

