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Frankel Helps Pass New, Bipartisan Iran Sanctions Bill Out of Committee, Looks Forward to Full House Passage

Frankel’s Women’s Rights Amendment Clears Committee

Congresswoman Lois Frankel today helped pass a critical, new bipartisan Iran sanctions bill — the Nuclear Iran Prevention Act of 2013 — in the Foreign Affairs Committee and now it will move to the House for consideration.

The Nuclear Iran Prevention Act of 2013 would broaden economic sanctions, expand penalties for human rights violations and increase oversight of the implementation and enforcement of current sanctions against Iran. The bill is part of the ongoing effort to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and works to address Iran’s gross human rights violations and suppression of individual liberties.

The Foreign Affairs Committee approved Frankel’s amendment that focuses on human rights abuses against women in Iran like horrific stonings and honor killings. Frankel’s provision builds on the State Department’s efforts to address the blatant violations against women in Iran.

“We must prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon,” Frankel said. “Sanctions have been effective in punishing the Iranian regime, however more can and must be done. This important bill tightens sanctions on Iran’s radical leadership and human rights violators.”

