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Rep. Frankel Statement on Failed Republican Healthcare Bill: A Victory for American Families

Today Congresswoman Lois Frankel (FL-21) issued the following statement after the House of Representatives rejected the Republicans’ sick plan, the American Health Care Act.

“Today there was a great victory for the American people. The very sick Republican health care proposal, Trumpcare, went down with a thud. The bill, opposed by an overwhelming majority of citizens, would have taken away health care from 24 million hard-working Americans. It had a crushing Age Tax, forcing older Americans to pay premiums five times higher than what others pay. It would have eradicated Essential Health Benefits, such as maternity, prescription drug and emergency coverage, and would have destroyed protections for those with pre-existing conditions. And if that wasn’t bad enough, it would have shortened the lifespan of the Medicare Trust Fund, ransacking funds that seniors depend on to retire in dignity.

Democrats unanimously stood strong against passage. And millions of Americans made their voices heard. This defeat sends a message that we won’t go back to the days when people got sicker and some died because they could not afford health care treatment.”

Tomorrow Rep Frankel will host a press conference to discuss her reaction to the failure of the American Health Care Act.