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Frankel Votes to Tighten Iran Sanctions

Congresswoman Lois Frankel helped pass a bipartisan Iran sanctions bill last night that sends an important message to the Iranian regime that its illicit pursuit of nuclear weapons will not be tolerated.  The Nuclear Iran Prevention Act, which passed the House with overwhelming bipartisan support, aims to reduce Iran’s oil exports by an additional 1 million barrels per day and would authorize President Obama to restrict commercial trade with Iran and help deny Iran access to hard currency.

“The international community is united in its understanding that the Ayatollah-led regime in Iran cannot be allowed to obtain the world’s most dangerous weapon,” Frankel said. “That is why today’s bipartisan action is so critical – sending a message that comprehensive sanctions will only increase until we see a change in Iran’s nuclear policy.”

The Nuclear Iran Prevention Act also works to address Iran’s gross human rights violations and suppression of individual liberties. It included an amendment by Frankel that builds on the State Department’s efforts to address the blatant human rights violations against women in Iran.

Frankel serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

