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Bipartisan Women’s Caucus Hosts Hearing on Sexual Harassment in Male-Dominated Jobs

WASHINGTON, DC – The bipartisan Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues hosted a hearing about sexual harassment in male-dominated jobs entitled, “From Silicon Valley to the Factory Floor: Time’s Up for Sexual Harassment in Male-Dominated Jobs.” Caucus members heard from survivors of sexual harassment in fields where women are often outnumbered, as well as from other experts on the issue, to discuss ways to change the culture in the workplace.

The hearing was hosted by Reps. Lois Frankel (D-FL), Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, Susan Brooks (R-IN), Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues,  Brenda Lawrence (D-MI), Vice Chair of the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, Mimi Walters (R-CA), Vice Chair of the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, and Barbara Comstock (R-VA).

This is the second hearing in a series of hearings on sexual harassment in the workplace. During the first hearing, the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues focused on sexual harassment in the service sector

“Sexual harassment prevents women from reaching their full economic potential and is pervasive across industries,” said Frankel. “It is especially ugly in male-dominated workplaces that offer good paying jobs but push women out because of the rampant abuse.”

“Historically, the manufacturing, construction and technology industries have been dominated by men and yesterday, the Women’s Caucus heard the stories from victims of harassment in these fields,’ said Brooks. “As I have said many times, harassment and discrimination in the workplace is absolutely unacceptable and should never be tolerated. I am proud to join my fellow members of the Women’s Caucus to further address and discuss the ways Congress can work with our industry partners to combat and stop harassment in the workplace.”

“As the Vice Chair of the Bipartisan Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, I am proud to join my colleagues to host this hearing on the pressing issue of combating sexual harassment in male-dominated jobs,” said Lawrence. “The time is up for women to be subject to workplace harassment simply because they are outnumbered by their male coworkers. I am encouraged that with dedication and relentless pursuit, we can change this hurtful and harmful workplace culture. No one should ever have to endure sexual harassment in their place of work, and the Bipartisan Women’s Caucus is here to make the strong statement that harassment, intimidation and unwanted advances cannot and will not be tolerated.”

“Women should have the opportunity to pursue careers in their field of choice without fear of harassment,” said Walters. “Yesterday’s testimony illustrates the need for change across multiple industries to ensure safe work environments all employees. I appreciate the witnesses sharing their powerful stories and thoughtful insight on this issue.”

“Women are leaving jobs in the high-paying tech industry at twice the rate of men, and sexual harassment and bias appear to be a large part of that exodus from these jobs that otherwise would be part of women closing the wage gap,” said Comstock. “I appreciated hearing from witnesses in the tech and building trades industries as well as legal counsel who deal with these cases. I look forward to working with my colleagues to find solutions for these persisting problems in Silicon Valley and beyond.”
