Palm Beach County is home to over 350,000 seniors. I will always fight to protect Social Security and Medicare, lower the costs of prescription drugs, and reduce falls among older adults. Social SecurityI am proud to support the Social Security 2100 Act, which would increase benefits for retirees, protect against inflation, support low-wage workers, reduce Social Security taxes for lower- and middle-income earners, provide caregiver credits, strengthen the Social Security Trust Fund, and more. I will always oppose Republicans’ efforts to privatize Social Security and cut the essential benefits that our seniors have earned through a lifetime of hard work. MedicareIn 2022, Congress passed and President Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act, which is already lowering drug prices by allowing Medicare to negotiate fairer prices on behalf of seniors, capping out-of-pocket costs for Medicare beneficiaries, and penalizing drug companies that raise prices faster than the rate of inflation. I also support legislation to lower the Medicare eligibility age, reduce premiums, expand benefits, and provide dental, hearing, and vision coverage. Falls PreventionFalls are the leading cause of injury and injury-related deaths among adults over 65. As the founder of the Bipartisan Task Force on Falls Prevention, I have worked with colleagues across the aisle to address the epidemic of elderly falls. I will continue to fight for increased funding for falls prevention programs in our community and to work with Medicare to reduce fall risks for older adults. You can take a look at Palm Beach County’s falls prevention resources, including the Prevent Falls PBC App and free Tai Ji Quan classes, here. |