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Transportation and Infrastructure

Port Everglades to get $1.2 million for next phase of dredging project

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There's more progress on long-touted plans to deepen the channel at Broward County's seaport to host larger ships, boost business and create jobs. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has set aside $1.2 million this budget year to help fund the next phase of the dredging project, Port Everglades chief Steve Cernak announced Tuesday. Nearly 20 years in the works, Port Everglades just earned…

Port Everglades Deepening and Widening Project Approved

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Broward County's Port Everglades today received a signed Chief of Engineers Report from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that clears the way for the Port to begin the next phase of deepening and widening its channels, and allows the project to be included in federal legislation expected in 2016 that will authorize similar water and navigation-related projects. "After…

Frankel Champions Bill to Increase Rail Safety

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel (FL-22) today voted in favor of the bipartisan Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act, which passed the House 316-101.  The bill authorizes $150 million for railroad safety programs, a provision pushed by Frankel in the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee.  Earlier in the day, Frankel took to the House floor to champion this bill that…

Port Everglades Expansion Reaches Milestone

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The Civil Works Review Board voted unanimously to send the Chief’s Report approving expansion of Port Everglades to state review late this afternoon. Attending the five hour hearing, Congresswoman Lois Frankel (FL-22), a member of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, called on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to swiftly approve the Port Everglades expansion which is…

Frankel Fights for Safer Railroad Crossings

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel (FL-22) yesterday joined her colleagues on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to pass the bipartisan Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act. The bill authorizes $150 million for railroad safety programs, a provision pushed by Frankel. South Florida expects to see more freight and passenger trains due to port expansions, increased Tri-Rail…

Frankel, Wasserman Schultz, Deutch, Wilson Tout Port Everglades Expansion Project

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Congressman Ted Deutch and Congresswoman Frederica Wilson held a press conference at Port Everglades to talk about the widely-supported expansion of Port Everglades, and how the recently passed bipartisan Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) effects the project. “Expansion of the Port Everglades will…

Frankel Calls For More Infrastructure Investment, Not Less

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel voted against the underfunded H.R. 4745, the Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2015 (T-HUD) because it includes severe cuts to vital transportation and housing programs.  The transportation programs slashed under H.R. 4745 help fund our highways, bridges, passenger rail systems such as Amtrak, and…


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Contact:    Jeremy Tomasulo (Frankel), 202-226-2464; Sean Bartlett (Wasserman Schultz) , 202-225-7931; Ryan Brown (Nelson), 202-224-1679; Alex Conant/Brooke Sammon (Rubio), 202- 224-3041 Yesterday, the U.S. House passed the bipartisan Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) which will allow Port Everglades to advance expansion once it receives a go ahead from the…

WRRDA PASSES U.S. House of Representatives

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel voted today for the bipartisan Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA). The measure overwhelmingly passed the House by a vote of 412 to 4 and will now go to the Senate for approval. WRRDA authorizes the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to proceed on important water infrastructure projects – including those in Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville,…

Frankel Urges Swift Passage Of Bipartisan WRRDA Bill

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Congresswoman Lois Frankel issued the following statement on the filing of the bipartisan Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) conference report.  It is expected to be voted on in the House as early as Tuesday. "I’m excited to see this bill finally come to the floor next week.  It means improved water quality and more jobs for South Florida," said Frankel. The…