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ICYMI: Rep. Frankel Advocates for Abortion Access for Veterans

Washington, DC – Earlier today, Representative Lois Frankel (FL-22) participated in an Appropriations Committee debate on the Republican-proposed Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies spending bill for Fiscal Year 2025, which seeks to restrict essential reproductive health care services and eliminate abortion counseling altogether at Veterans Affairs medical centers, potentially impacting the nearly one million women Veterans of childbearing age who may depend on the agency for their health care. Rep. Frankel spoke in support of an amendment that would safeguard these vital services for Veterans.

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Below are excerpts from Rep. Frankel’s remarks, as delivered:

“As the proud mother of a United States Marine War Veteran, I am all-too familiar with the risks that our brave men and women in uniform take every day. So, it saddens me to say one more time: My, my, my, here we go again. Are you kidding? Really! Once again Republicans aim to interfere with the personal medical decision of women and their freedom to decide when or whether to start a family. This time aiming their fire at women who served our country in uniform…

These proposed changes are not just a rollback of medical rights; they are a profound failure to stand by our Veterans in their time of need, and we owe them nothing less than our full support in maintaining their health and well-being. And with that, I yield back asking for support of this amendment.”

For Rep. Frankel’s full remarks, click here.
