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ICYMI: Rep. Frankel Votes for Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act passed in the House of Representatives by a vote of 263-158. Congresswoman Lois Frankel (FL-21), Co-Chair of the Democratic Women’s Caucus, took to the House Floor to support the bill and recognize the need to strengthen this long-standing legislation and improve services for survivors of domestic and sexual violence, stalking, and dating violence.

Watch her full remarks here.

“Mr. Speaker, I am proud to rise in support of what I consider, and what many consider, one of the most important pieces of legislation that protect the families of America. It’s the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act because no woman, or man, or child should ever be afraid to walk into their own home, because of fear from violence from a spouse or a dating partner.

And so today, I rise on behalf of one of my constituents named Olga from Florida, who, on her wedding day, thought she was entering into a dream marriage for herself and her two children. But this marriage turned into a nightmare when her husband became aggressive, violent, and controlling, imprisoning Olga and her two children in their own home, not even letting the children go to school. Olga fled to my hometown and was nurtured back to emotional and financial health by a local domestic violence organization in my community.

The Violence Against Women Act helps tackle the epidemic of domestic violence, stalking, dating violence, and sexual violence. Since it was first passed in 1994, serious victimization by an intimate partner has dropped by 72 percent for women and 64 percent for men. However, it’s estimated that as many as 45 million adults will still experience physical violence, rape or stalking by an intimate partner at some point in their lives. Reauthorizing and strengthening this legislation, expanding protections, increasing funding, and improving services for survivors will save lives across America and help protect women like Olga, and let her children be spared from horrific violence. I urge all my colleagues to support this great bill.”
