Frankel Helps Pass Bipartisan Bill to Support Our Troops and VeteransBill Includes Important Provisions to Help Eliminate Veterans Disability Claims Backlog
Washington, DC,
June 5, 2013
Days after returning from meeting with American troops and military leaders in Afghanistan, Qatar, Germany and Kosovo, Congresswoman Lois Frankel helped pass the bipartisan 2014 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act. Frankel’s support for this bill continues her unwavering commitment to the men and women who are serving our country and who have risked their lives to protect our freedoms. The bill takes important steps to help eliminate the veterans disability claims backlog at the Department of Veterans Affairs by:
In addition, the bill provides necessary resources for maintenance and construction of military facilities. Frankel submitted the following statement to the congressional record in support of the bill:
General Leave for H.R. 2216 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2014, for Rep. Lois Frankel (FL-22) June 4, 2013 Mr. Speaker, Jeff Colaicovo is a military veteran living with his loving wife in Ft. Lauderdale. He is an American hero who received two Purple Hearts for his courage and service during the Vietnam War. Jeff fought for, and suffered for this country, spending five months in a burn ward as a result of his exposure to Agent Orange. Today, Jeff suffers from PTSD, loss of hearing and other medical complications that should be covered by his veterans’ benefits. But our claims system failed him. Jeff first initiated his claim in May 2011. Until his case was brought to my office’s attention, he had made little progress towards receiving the benefits he deserves. My staff worked with Jeff over many months so that he finally will begin receiving his benefits after waiting nearly two years. Sadly, Jeff’s story is not unique. The average wait time for claims processing is 292 days with some regional offices averaging 450 days. Having just returned from visiting our service- men and women in Afghanistan, and as the mother of a Marine veteran, I know first-hand the sacrifices our troops make for our freedoms. Our veterans have fought for this country and it is time we fight for them. That is why I have joined my colleagues in enacting a number of measures that will help eliminate the veterans’ claims backlog once and for all, in H.R. 2216, the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2014. These measures include finally requiring the DOD and the VA to move towards one integrated electronic system, requiring more frequent reporting to Congress on the status of claims processing, and boosting VA funding to allow for 94 new claims processors to tackle head on the disability claims backlog. I am confident these new measure will put us on the road towards eliminating an unacceptable problem that has neglected our America heroes. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. |